Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cost of Freedom

In one certain day of a year of 2009, I was reading a book that is so powerful and inspirational. In fact, it was the first ever book I read about that makes my life change.
Nevermind about that, it's just an emotional and inspirational expression. Well, here we go, freedom. In that book I read a verse like this,

" What does freedom cost?"
" Freedom will cost you the mask you have on." she said, "the mask that feels so comfortable and is so hard to shed off, not because it fits so well but because you have been wearing it for so long." She
stopped pacing about the room and came to stand in front of the card table.
" do you know what the freedom is?" she asked rhetorically. " Freedom is the total absent of concern about yourself," she said, sitting beside me on the bed, " And the best way to quit being concerned with yourself is to be concerned about others."

This dialog is picked by Dr. Wayne Dyer from Florina Donner's defination of freedom, sample of her dialogue from her odyssey into the world of spirit.

The purpose to show this dialogue is to understand how could we get true freedom from our daily life. It shows how much energy we have spent in only concerning ourselves because it is what the society is for millennium and millennium of years. This mask we are wearing is the illusion what truly we are. This illusion has covered our purest and wisest heart until we forgot who we are in this era of Materialism, blindly identify ourselves merely from name, nationality, race, culture. The world is one, the universe is one, don't we know we are one too? Yeah, there are a lot petty tyrants out there, waiting for chances to harm you, and I'm not asking you to allow yourself to be harm, my fellow friends. Just show your True self with action, put kindness, compassion, and selfless in your act and behavior. Try to think, if you want to free yourself, but you act selfishly, prejudice on the others because the society do so, being discourage by your own thought, can you deserve Freedom? Neither do we. It's simple, just simplify your life by doing what is right and moderate, cease what is wrong and extreme, you still can continue to persuade your dream, your wealth, your business. But never lost your heart, or else you will be in the Cage forever. Free yourself by real act, cease hypocritical doing, take a moderate decision and approach in every single moment when you face any conflict and harshness. Don't forget, we want to Live our live as what we want, but if we act like someone who discriminates others, harm others just for the sake of ambition, take no more thinking of your dream, for you have sacrifice your freedom in the beginning. Instead, Take MIDDLE PATH in all essence, You will SEE.^^

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